Happy Anniversary?

Exactly a year ago at this time I’d been asleep for about two hours and was awakened by a phone call from the Milwaukee Police Department, who had somehow found my violin case by the side of the road tasein the snow. It was empty. An hour after that, I stared out the window and watched various local media go up and down the street ringing doorbells trying to figure out which house was mine. Things got weirder from there. And weirder.


I felt I should post something today, however short. By now most everyone’s heard it all, so I won’t recap. If you somehow don’t know what I’m talking about, read this.

I continue to thank the various law-enforcement agencies for their exceptional work and cooperation, but I also wanted to reiterate my gratitude to those of you who helped out in one way or another, whether friends or total strangers. There were a lot of people who just did the right thing in their own way over the last year, and it made a huge difference.

stradivarius_caseThe violin turns 300 in 2015, and I’m glad we both made it this far. If anyone reading this happens to be nearby, come to our birthday celebration in a few weeks, a concert which will be held literally at the scene of the crime.

I’m told by the FBI that this case is truly unprecedented in virtually every way. I hope there’s never another one like it.



photo courtesy FBI.gov

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