“In this economy”

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a hundred times, “We’ll be lucky to achieve our goals in this economy”.

We’re all in the same boat, this challenging economic boat – in the doldrums yet relatively secure, generally insulated, and comparatively safe – not untouched mind you, but our lifestyles are barely altered – we’re afloat. We may be thinking greener, driving less, recycling more, watching household expenses, packing lunch, eyeballing boxed wine for the first time and generally curbing our consumption but at a pace that  could be characterized as a stroll. No real urgency.

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And a Child Shall Lead Them

So, by now you’ve probably heard about the new kid on the block in Seattle. Alexander Prior, no relation to the comedian but a crazy connection to the world of method acting, is just 17 but apparently no joke. His great-great grandfather was Stanislavsky, the famous founder of a system from which method acting was derived. The British lad apparently has a deep enough well of personal musical experience from which to draw for his own emotional connection to the music, as Stanislavsky would say, to seek “theatrical truth” with his more than 40 works including symphonies, operas and a requiem.

Some would disagree. The UK’s Telegraph on-line calls him, “insufferably cocksure”. That’s what you call a proper British snub.

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Redefining Intimacy

Dear all of you,

Most New Year’s resolutions involve weight loss so this is not meant to offend. When I think of all of me, a resolution or least some resolve to lose a little weight may be in order for this blogger. Not a lot, just enough to make my new jeans more comfortable. Now, back to you, I mean, all of you.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “of” is a preposition used as a function word to indicate the component material, parts, or elements or the contents <throne of gold> <cup of water> <all of you>. When someone attempts to greet you in the globally inclusive way, all of you, I doubt they are referring to the component material or parts of your corporeal presence. They are just ignorant or being lazy.

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Welcome, Jack Allen

Co-author’s welcome: I don’t want to steal any of Jack’s thunder, so I’m just going to say a few words and then get out of the way.  Jack is one of those people I turn to for wisdom and advice.  He is on the ground doing the actual work of running a station which makes his perspective invaluable.  Besides that, he’s an engaging raconteur, a deep thinker, and exactly the kind of leader who can rescue and reinvent classical music radio.  With that, here’s Jack’s opening post, with my gratitude. ~ Marty Ronish

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