GM Out After Brief Stint at WRR in Dallas

In unsurprising news, the Dallas Morning News reports that General Manager Sarah Colmark is out after only 19 months at WRR in Dallas:

Colmark, a classically trained pianist who went to work at her dad’s Albuquerque radio station in 2008, came to Dallas in January 2012…  The city said at the time that her pay would be based in part on an “incentive” tied to “specific benchmarks of operating revenue.” But as the Dallas Observer notes today, per a memo sent to the council last month, the city-owned radio station’s expected revenue is down $611,000 due to lack of ad sales.

…  in February the Observer noted a “bloodletting” at the station, as jocks and sales staff were either fired or left of their own volition. Exiting staffers painted a bleak picture at WRR…

Colmark needs to find a profession more compatible to her skill set.  She’s shown up on this blog before.

About Marty Ronish

Marty Ronish is an independent producer of classical music radio programs. She currently produces the Chicago Symphony Orchestra broadcasts that air 52 weeks a year on more than 400 stations and online at She also produces a radio series called "America's Music Festivals," which presents live music from some of the country's most dynamic festivals. She is a former Fulbright scholar and co-author of a catalogue of Handel's autograph manuscripts.

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1 thought on “GM Out After Brief Stint at WRR in Dallas”

  1. We hardly remember Sarah here. Unfortunately, Brent is such a megalomaniac that improvement in fundamentals such as providing the names of various pieces of music, pronounciation (yesterday an announcer said the “S” at the end of Dukas; earlier one of them said “Mill-hawd”) is hard to come by. I hate the damn station, but somehow I keep listening. Legend has it that a tenor at La Scala was surprised at how many encores were being demanded. The someone high up in the balcony said “You gonna sing it till you get it right.” Call it love-hate, or just Schadenfreude, I keep on listening and complaining!


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