Dear President Obama…..

Congratulations….to us!  So many have tried to define you, to put you in a box so that they may find it easy to corner you, and yet you surprise all of us at every turn….

with your candor, decency and a love for life, work, family and tolerance.  Yes you have made tolerance something one can have a passion for!  That is one of your biggest strengths going forward.  The hope you bring is that you have a deference and an ear for those with different views and ideologies so that the only ones left at the station are the ones who want to be left behind!  I can only imagine the challenges coming your way and yet I get the sense you will work WITH us to overcome those challenges.  You epitomize for me the notion that no matter what you are doing, you are only just getting started and are always looking around for those who want to roll their sleeves up to help.

I want you to believe that Artists whether they be musicians, sculptors, actors, painters etc……can also help.  Charge us and make us accountable to  enrich our communities, to help with economic stability and growth but most importantly to become part of health and human services, not as a completely separate entity.  The greatest works of art for me are those that effect humanity and an artist/performer/writer can make someone smile, can help with focus, discipline, respect, appreciation and inspiration.  We can also calm, uplift, excite but more importantly unite.  Let us help with infrastructure, the infrastructure of humanity.  Please make arts funding make a difference, and hold our feet to the fire by funding projects that help many in our communities and our communities as a whole,  find a voice and a spirit.  A happier community = a healthier community, and just maybe even health costs will go down!  Enable us to be “community organizers”.

For education, please help fund the arts to be integrated, not just separated so that students can learn literature, math, history and science through arts based learning, and from an artistic and cultural perspective.  Learning about the Ming Dynasty and the impact of actually getting to touch a Ming vase (or maybe a replica!) would build a real and tangible connection to that time.  The angst of the Romeo and Juliet theme by Tchaikovsky can make a student feel what the characters are feeling in the Shakespeare play.  The arts used in this way wont just enhance learning, but may also unlock a child’s potential and enrich their lives forever.

Finally, putting instruments in the hands of children and/or getting them to sing, dance, paint and write needs to be a priority, but not for the reason to create more great artists.  I believe that crime will go down if children are shown that they can do something positive with their hands and voices, and with that positive energy give them and those around them fulfillment and inspiration.

The Arts should never be a tool to make us more competitive in the world, but instead be a vehicle to celebrate creativity as a means to communicate, to find common ground but most importantly of all, to teach your passion, tolerance.

It was Mother Theresa that said:

There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.

Put us to work in helping to bring that love and appreciation, so that your great legacy, will be a great future for all humanity.

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