Moneyball meets the Mellonball!

So a hot blow in Miami meets a cold blast in Denver as two completely different orchestras try out two models for attracting audiences.  There are huge differences between the future plans for the New World Symphony and the Colorado Symphony, not the least of which is the fact that in Miami they are using someone else’s money and are not taking any risks, whereas in Colorado they are risking it all!….

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Swimming Upstream with Sandow….

Firstly Greg Sandow is one of the first bloggers I started to read regularly, and I still do.  I have met him, I admire him and respect him greatly.  I think his recent post though about relevance doesn’t take an important thing into account, which is that a determination of what is relevant is not really our call to make….that belongs to our audiences and our communities….

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Classical Music is….Undead?

One of my pet peeves is the insane and fruitless pursuit of new audiences with marketing techniques that are so insincere and gimmicky, that we end up losing audiences! From Guitar Hero contests to DJ’s at an Opera house to $50,000 being spent on a cupcake program, it seems we try to do anything we can to pretend we don’t play concerts but just have big classical raves.  However a student brought to my class something that is on the surface a gimmick, but actually is a sincere link between pop culture and the classical era….

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Way to Go BUFFALO…..and my former student was on the X Factor!

I can’t claim to be the Buffalonian my blogging colleague Bill can claim to be, but I did spend 4 amazing seasons as the associate conductor of the Buffalo Philharmonic, and how gratifying it was to read today that they have signed a 5 year deal!  Yes an agreement, and there is growth planned, there is communication, there is a positive outlook and for those who might sneer at the idea of something good about Buffalo, it’s a great city and my guess is you probably haven’t been there!…

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Treating Patrons Like Kids….DON’T DO THAT!!!!! – Update: Response

Creativity is not only for the artists.  A patron interfaces with an arts institution long before they get there, and time and time again the visitors guidelines and etiquette policies read as though buying a ticket is a passport to not being able to do anything coupled with an assumption that you know nothing, and that we are all 5 years old!  We belittle patrons before they walk through the door, we simply have to get creative with this.  My Audience Connection class took this on last week……(Update: response from Indianapolis below)

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Build a Bridge, NOT a Lighthouse!

It occurs to me that the state of the economy seems to shift only incrementally either way, yet orchestras continue to hope that innovation and drastic action will let the good times roll.  We may be stuck with the current economic conditions for years to come, and unless we have a multi billion dollar angel of mercy, we have to deal and invest with REALITY and not throw money away on hope….

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When Attitude Collides with Altitude – Interpretation

I have not written a post about actual conducting focusing mostly on the ever more uncertain future for the Orchestra business.  For some time now I have been pondering the word interpretation which for conductors is everything, since it can bring both glory but also be gory if you miss the mark badly!  I think though that accessibility, flexibility and the “environment” need to factored in along with a study…of who is actually in front of you!….Also below:  a tribute to a legendary musician….

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A Little Help Here – part 3 – the inherit audience!

I’m now up in Lake Placid beginning my Summer stint having flown from Boston to Saranac Lake with the Stanley Cup behind my left ear!  (pictures are below).  I thought part 2 was it, but for those who crave the young audience, I think we need to stop dreaming of the challenge of the unknown, and stop the crazy marketing schemes that don’t work.  We need to make it a matter of inheritance….

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