Bravo, you’re making it up as you go along, let us accredit you!

Having read the recent postings by Drew, and Joe regarding the booming music/arts school enrollments, I decided to do some digging.  There is a body that is at least partially responsible for this, an association that accredits schools to be completely autonomous i.e accreditation for proving that you are doing whatever you want to do……the ultimate “unregulatory” body (apart from the SEC!)……

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Meshugass in Michigan!….

Pssst…paging Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA), you might not have heard this but the economy is in the “tank” right now, so using the economic impact of the arts to convince the governor to not eliminate arts funding might not be the best tactic! It might make the arts go the way of the Sphinx…wait!…in fact Sphinx is actually the way you should go…..

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To Laugh? To Cry?

It’s a sign of the times, and in any other economic situation I would declare it the rebirth of Reason in the World.  Instead it’s just kinda depressing.

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When the whole is NOT greater than the sum of its (p)Arts

A Secretary of the Arts? I have been reading about this idea and I think we are way ahead of ourselves, crossing the finish line before running the race! Building from the top down doesn’t work. The Arts have plenty of cheerleaders and advocates, we do not need an advocate in chief. That might be a feel good idea, but if the arts are truly to become a part of our nation’s narrative, we have to think much bigger….

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Arts Funding – Why?…..

In Audience Connection on Wednesday the big question of the week was:

How can you argue for Arts funding in front of someone that might be more interested in Health, Poverty or Education issues?

Big questions need big answers, but when you have 5 minutes in front of a donor to make the case, they can’t be long answers.  I liked what Amanda said, the clip is below……

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