
I love writing for nondivisi and have cherished the opportunity to do so, however sporadic the content and quality have been. But with a heavy heart I must inform you that nondivisi is now on indefinite hiatus, due to a serious illness within my immediate family.

questionsI’ve started and abandoned various articles for this blog over the last few months as my life situation became more chaotic and confusing. Perhaps some of you have been faced with the possible loss of a spouse or child due to some situation you never expected to confront. And you would know the indescribable pain and emotional distress that can quickly drain you, even under the best of circumstances.

At the moment I have no choice but to prioritize as best I can, minimizing both my musical and extramusical pursuits to the extent possible.

Many thanks to all of you that have offered poignant messages of support and hope, and I look forward to reviving nondivisi as soon as possible.

Thank you all, and I hope to be back here writing very soon-


9 thoughts on “Hiatus”

  1. There exists an indescribable burden when you are absolutely powerless to control and uncontrollable situation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May all be well.

  2. Thinking of you and your family, sending the best thoughts possible, best wishes and sincere thanks for all that you do, you are a beacon and an inspiring light.
    Emmanuelle Boisvert


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